How to get new customers in the digital environment?

Marketing, Awareness  30. augusta 2023 Ján Májek

How to get new customers in the digital environment? The dry season is ending and the market is gradually recovering from the crisis. To highlight the importance of starting an online business, we could use several phrases, such as „there are no cakes without work“…. You probably know many of these, so we prefer to provide you with a complete guide on how to acquire new customers in the digital environment and restore, consolidate or improve your position on the market after the crisis. The following points reveal the specific steps you should take in order to succesffully complete the acquisition of new clients in the online world.

Web creation

Web is a necessary tool when it comes to a success of your business. If you want to find new customers, you need some place where you will direct them to. The place where you will have all customers and their data together. The place where you find them and they will find detailed information about your company, products or campaign.

It can be a presentation website, campaign landing page, e – shop, mobile application, etc. We have covered the process of creating a website or e-shop in several articles on our blog. You can browse through them and learn more about the specific steps you have to take in order to have a quality website.

Are you planning an e-shop? Search for what has to agency considerate when programming an online store.

Web analytics

When you have already created a website to which you will redirect users, it would be a shame to not know what are they interested in on your web. Are they properly navigated? What do the look for mostly? How they got on the website? How many of them have left immediately?

You can get a large amount of useful data about your web visitors, which you can use for further communication, thanks to the analytical tools that you deploy on the website (Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Hotjar and others.) These tools will help you to collect data, evaluate and adjust communication in all direction according to the needs of the visitors.

A website without data analysis is like driving a car with your eyes closed. In this article, we have described how the data analysis works, what preceded it and how to catch an eye of website visitors, with whom you can further work through analytical tools.

Social media and search engines

One of the great sources of traffic to your website are newly created and optimized profiles on social media and in search engines. When it comes to social networs, by regular communication on your Facebook or Instagram profile/page, supported by paid advertising through Business Manager, you can expand your business to a wide and relevant audience of potential customers. Of course, sucess is mainly in choosing the right format and type of paid advertising and tartgeting it to the right group of users (according to demographic data, interests, etc.)

In the social world, you should not forget about LinkedIn, whose business character is becoming more and more prominent and you can get new clients (especially from the B2B area). Especially if you have a well-optimized and authentic personal profile firmly built on the foundations of the corporate one.

A special chapter for gaining new and securing of existing customers is a well-set and original (diverse) content regularly nourished Youtube profile/channel. But we will talk about this later, with the remarketing campaigns.

Without Google, even your own family won’t recognize you. Building a Google Business Profile though Google My Business helps you to easily connect with your customers on both Search and Google Maps. Thanks to this profile, users can find all the necessary information about your company (change of opening hours, contact information, photos, reviews, etc.) directly in Search, and you can quickly and easily edit it if needed.

Launch of advertising campaign

Established social networks, website, blog, services, values of your company, special offer or donations is worth of supporting by launching an advertising campaign that can bring you customers who are very likely to end their visit with a purchase or other desired action.

Advertising campaign, whether they are long-term or short-term, go through several steps and each of them should lead the customer through three phases – awareness, consideration, action. Hand in hand with these phrases come marketing phrases : SEE – THINK – DO – CARE.

digital marketing

We won’t mention the fourth phase of care, because its purpose is to remind audience that has already purchased (performed an action), it is about long-term cooperation with them, providing additional services to the main purchase and maintaining a relationship. Therefore, we will focus on the process of the first three phases, which will gradually lead the advertising campaign with the aim of „executing the action“ to a successful end. It could be a purchase, signing for newsletters, filling out the contact form… according to the intention of the company/entrepreneur.

See (awareness)

At this stage, it’s all about getting your ad campaign in front of the right people. Therefore, its content must be optimized for the interests of your audience. It is also called hygienic content. Hygienic content should in the first phase raise awareness and interest in your offer among targeted users by being non-violent and focused on exactly what they need / want. So in the first phase of your advertising campaign will come an offer of specific help / solution to the user’s problem.

We recommend you in this phase to put all your efforts into good ad targeting and defining your target audience in order to provide a solution to the problem to those who really need it. We do not want the ad to appear to irrelevant users. Facebook or Youtube video advertising as well as native advertising are ideal.


In the think phase, you reach out to those who are aware of your brand from the first phase and who are thinking about several options (companies). You try to regularly show them enough complementary content to your offer, to hit their desires and needs as much as possible so that they choose you in competitive battle. The aim of the ads is in this phase to cause the recipients to interact with your brand (sending a message, clicking on your website, installing your application, watching your video, etc.)

Mostly is for these purposes used communication via social networks or recommendations from satisfied customers, both supported by paid advertising. Facebook and Instagram video advertising, Google text and banner advertising work well.


In the DO phase, you are dealing with an audience that know about you, that clicked on your website, sent you a message or watched your video, but did not take the desired action (e.g. purchase). That is why you communicate strong „hero“ content that will attract the user’s attention and decide to finish what he started. great tools to convince the user to take the last step are, for example, bumper ads on Youtube, direct marketing, direct mail, e-mail marketing or paid PPC ads in search, which are preceded by research, keyword analysis, creation (texts, graphics) or specific advertisements, setting target audience and launch the ad.

As for Google Search, we have summarized all the options for advertising in Google Ads in a separate article. At UPVISION, we most often use text ads and ads in the content network (banner).

Somewhere between think and do

is REMARKETING. It often happens that people do not complete the purchase or fill out the form immediately after visiting your website/offer. Something interrupts them or they still need to make a decision. You, as a seller, want them not not to forget and to successfully complete the action. This is where the remarketing campaign plays a big role, because you can reach exactly those visitors who viewed your offer but did not complete the action, based on Cookies. Through this campaign, you can remind them of all the benefits of your product / service and competitive advantages.

With remarketing, you can reach not only new visitors, but also those who have already bought from you and you want to bring them back to your site with the aim of another (additional) purchase.

A remarketing campaign can be launched via Google Ads in the content network (text, banner advertising) and in Search (text advertising). You can also try the Facebook and LinkedIn platforms, but from our point of view Youtube is especially gaining in efficiency.

In the remarketing Youtube campaign is an effective 6-second bumper ad format, which the user cannot skip, or one of the TrueView in-stream ad formats, in which the viewers themselves choose after the first 5 seconds whether they want to watch or skip is effective. If they decide to watch it, you will get a relevant target with an interest in your product, who will most likely return to your website and make a purchase.

Response to demand

If you have correctly created, targeted, timed and used the appropriate formats for the advertising campaign, it should bring results in the form of completed actions. Users should start responding to your messages, place orders, subscribe to newsletters, basically there should be a demand for your promoted offer.

However, every inquiry requires a response. As a company, we should immediately respond to increased demand and provide users with first-class service, personal meetings and help with the selection of the final product. Whatever they need to close the loop (deal) and successfully complete the ad campaign.

Collection of new contacts

After a succesful campaign, it is beneficial to continue collecting other contacts for future communication. It is good to acquire new contacts basically all the time. A great tool that you can use on your website and that will collect your contacts (+various information about them) is the Its application is exceptional especially in the B2B segment, so for companies that sell their services to other companies. easily identifies company visitors to your website. Unlike other tools, it will not only give your the number of website visits, but also information about who visited your website. It will tell you which company (representing the owner / employee), area, address, etc. In this way, it enables users to identify new clients, work better with current ones, and monitor their campaign or online activites.

The tool will therefore provide you with contacts and detailed information about companies that viewed you (with an interest in contacting you). You can then be the first to approach them with a personalized offer, be one step ahead. However, you should keep in mind that will only provide you with relevant contacts.


What about the number of new contacts obtained through

Use detailed information about their interests and send them a favorable offer viac newsletter, social network LinkedIn, by phone.. Shortly, operate with the collected contacts. Launch a new advertising campaign targeting the needs of new contacts, promoting your services as effective solution to meet these needs.

Special newslettering can be very effective in acquiring new customers. Think is because of the personalized offers that you can send to users through it. We have good experience with the acquisition of new customers for our own needs and the needs of our clients. Creating optimized websites is nothing new for us, and it will be a pleasure for us to help you launch an effective advertising campaign.



Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
Contact us
Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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