How to use Instagram hashtag #?

Marketing, Performance, Awareness, Social media  25. júla 2023 Ján Májek

Instagram hashtag is still more and popular. Because the trend is also visible in Slovakia, we would love to bring you more information about this topic.

What is hashtag?

Hashtag was developed for searching of posts which have the same tags but which were posted by different users. For instance, if you are interested in #webdesign and you put this tag into search or you would click on that under random post, you will see all posts which were posted with this hashtag. Easy, practical and effective.

By hashtag searching you are able to browse through topics that you are interested in. Additionally, when you are a company you can promote your services, products or campaings.

Why is it important to use hashtag from company’s perspective?

Because your followers (clients or potentional clients) could find you easier. It is different when you post on your personal profile without hashtags. You are followed by several friends who will like your post and if you are not an influencer it is enough for you. On the other hand, when you own a company and you have your target group, you probably wouldn’t be successful without hashtags.

When you upload the right hashtags for you field of business, you can easily gain relevant audience and filter „spammers“. Important is to meet requirenments of your target group.

How to correctly use hashtags?


this is an example how to do not work with hashtags on Instagram.


When you click on hashtag, you are meant to reach all relevant Instagram posts that include this tag. But the question is if they would be really relevant.

#cute is a broad term. It could be a kitty cat, or an ad (with kitty) or it could be a new webpage. When you would add this hashtag to your post, it is possible that it will get lost in the amount of „cute posts“.

A lot of companies, normally the smaller ones, still use the most popular hashtags ( #love, #instagood, #followeme), in aim to get into the public eye easier or to attract the most new followers as possible. It could be true that the post will be liked by many accounts, but these are normally spams, or irrelevant users for the company.

Not only that the success of using popular hashtags is comparable with the option of win million euros in lottery, but when you post with hashtag #instagood, there are already posted XY posts with this tag. That means that your photo will be in top posts for the hashtag approximately 1 sec. That is the reason why you should use hashtags with smaller amount of followers and lower competition.

Popular hashtag = good servant, bad master

What do we want to say? Usage of popular hashtags is not good as the main tag of your post. However, it is fine to use them as additional. Main communication hashtag should contain words or phrases which are truly relevant for you. Those are these with smaller amount of followers.


For example when you post new web graphics, which was created by your website, you can use popular hashtag #webdesign. The key is that it shoudn’t be the first one. Instead of that you can use #webdesigntrends. This hashtag is not used that often, but it is strong enough to increase the probability that you would be found by relevant users and you won’t get lost in the amount of competition.

Additionaly, when you use hashtags you have to be specific. You should write as many detailed hashtags as possible. Of course, it shouldn’t be at the expense of post relevance.

If you do not know, which hashtag should you use and you are able to brainstorm only the popular ones, you can use It will help you to find proper hashtags for your keyword or keyphrase. You can easily check its popularity by search for the tag on Instagram. Of you can adress digital agency which will provide you social media managment and which will create analysis.

Some more tips

Own hashtag

That is always useful! You can create an unique hashtag only for your product, your blog, your brand or you campaign. Amazing example is hashtag #lucidstyle used by Lucia Sládečková, who is currently one of the most popular Instagram influencers and you can find all the posts which are connected to her under the tag.

I will try to use all 30 hashtags

We can apply saying on hashtags that less is sometimes more. Maximum amount of hashtags that you can use per post is 30. In the past, it was believed that IG is not about description, but about perfectly set up photos. As the time went by, Instagram was transformed and people are used to write on Instagram more.

It doesn’t mean that you should add one or maximum 2 hashtags, when you find effective group of hashtags you can add them even 18. Important is to know when to stop. As we said before, do not forget to combine the popular ones with less popular. Important is to be patient.


Usage of the same hashtags in not reccommended. Even when you found some functional, it is effective to alternate them.

When you use the same hashtags again and again, Instagram algorithm could process you as a spam and your profile willl get shadowban. It is a ban when all you posts will be hidden for whatever hashtag and you will have no clue.

Do not hesitate to be inspired by competition

You can search through hashtags which are functional for your direct competition. There you can find your target group which you are willing to address.

Slovak and English language

When you want to cross the border of domestic market and breakthrough to international market, it wouldn’t happen without using of nglish hashtags. In the most cases are nglish tags the only ones which are effective. They are also used by our domestic users.

On the other hand, when you have purely slovak product that is connected to slovak custom and traditions you shoudn’t avoid slovak hashtags. You should be always focused on what you promote and to choose hashtags according to that.

In general, it is applicable that (when you are a company with universal product or service) you wouldn’t mess up anything by combination of slovak and english hashtags.

Just a few small tips! When you do not know if to use punctuation or not, we have an answer for you. Don’t! When you can not decide if to use longer or shorter version of the text, you should definitely use shorten. When you must use the longer one, do not forget to clean it up. #Use #Big #Letters

Last fun facts

In the past few years has meaning of hashtag grown as rapidly that it was enlisted into Oxford dictionary in 2010 and into official Scrabble dictionary in 2014. So now you have a perfect tip for a Scrabble word and not only that! We brought you some effective tips how to use tags to be noticed by huge and relevant audience.

If you would post without hashtags, no one would know about you. That is why we consider hashtags as an amazing marketing oppurtunity or a tool thanks to which you can adress dozens of potentional clients.


Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
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Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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