Trends in online marketing for 2023

Marketing  19. júla 2023 Ján Májek

In the past were today’s technological functions and trends in online marketing such as optimization of voice searching (VSEO), AI or Metaverse marketing silly terms. Actually, it is today’s reality. Let’s have a look at prediction of trends in online marketing for 2023.

AI Marketing (Artificial intelligence Marketing) 

AI is a technology that covers several services including content creation, chatbots and searching tools. In the last few years, AI has spread globally. Usage of AI in digital marketing is getting rather popular. The reason is that digital marketing campaigns which are based on AI can provide quicker and more accurate information about customers‘ behavior.  This leads to a higher rate of successful campaigns. 

AI could be also used for automatization of basic tasks such as collecting data and its analysis. Using this tool provides businessmen time for more difficult tasks such as creative strategy development. Using the power of marketing automation by AI in strategies of digital marketing can enterprises better understand their clients and maximize digital return on investment (ROI)

Did you hear about Jasper?

Jasper is an example of software based on AI which is used for content creation.Using this or common tool AI can quickly generate relevant content – for advertising campaigns, email campaigns, creation of blog posts – marketers can work without the need of manually searching for content ideas or to create new content from the beginning. 

What else can AI manage?

AI can also analyze behavior of consumers or schemes of searching and use the data from social media platforms such as Instagram and blog posts to help companies to understand how consumers find their products and services. It is able to predict trends in online marketing from the customers behavior perspective. 

Google’s AI

One of the companies which made an AI center is Google. In the past few years their AI implementation enabled their search to understand more correctly the terms which are users searching and what kind of content meets their requirements.

Google understands what people are searching for and what kind of content meets their needs. For instance when you are searching for fish oil, Google knows that the main aim of the search is to know more about health benefits and side effects. 

1. Metaverse  

Metaverse is becoming more popular concept and it is undoubtedly trend in online marketing. It is a digital universe, where people can integrate in absorbing 3D environments which were created by PC. Virtual world enables users to explore digital environments, create digital objects and purchase digital assets. 

For companies is metaverse opportunity to impress consumers with rather catchy experiences than by using traditional methods of digital marketing. It can include creation of interactive brand campaigns or a launch of digital purchases within metaverza, which could be searched and visited by clients. 

Metaverse marketing

It is an innovative marketing technique that includes integration of digital and physical spaces throughout VR and AR with the aim to create a consuming digital experience within which brands sell their products and services.

Retailers could for example use metaverse marketing for creation of virtual business, where can potential customers browse products as they were physically in the shop. Customers can shop anywhere in the world without having to leave their houses. the fact that Metavese is one of the most hot trends in online marketing is proven by numbers. 

  • it is expected that marketing Metaverse will reach 783,3 bil USD in 2024 during an average rate of increase 13,1 %
  • it is estimated that until 2026 will 25 % of people spend 1 hour a day in a virtual world.
  • it is predicted that until 2026 will 30 % of society sell in the metaverse. 
  • 33 % of adults are already interested in purchase of digital products in metaverse. 

    2. Augmented reality (AR) & Immersive Technologies

    Even Though virtual reality catches the attention of everyone by colossal sci-fi ideas, augmented reality is more realistic for traders. Facebook recently introduced its long-term expected intelligent glasses and even though it is focused more on photography than virtual reality, it is a beginning of game changing. 

    Other companies incorporated AR as a strategic part of marketing mix and they used these technological trends in online marketing to address new client by launching their AR app. For example IKEA’s app – IKEA Place enables their users to photograph a room in their homes throughout their smartphone camera. Unfortunately it is currently working only on iOS 11.0.1. They are able to test the IKEA furniture in the app. Users have the ability to move the furniture and to control its visuals from different angles.



    Other companies and using of AR

    L’oreal is another example of how to use technological trends in online marketing. They use AR with their app “Style My Hair”. This app enables you to change your haircolor or a hairstyle without making any physical changes. All you need to do is to upload a picture (or you can use a picture of a model which they provide), now you can see how you look with different hairstyles or makeup. Coming from the inventions of chatbots, AI and personalisation is the reality of modern marketing clearly stated: it is more conversational than ever before.

    3. Conversional marketing

    it is undoubtedly one of the most actual trends in online marketing. It is a marketing tactics which involves conversation creation in real time with potential clients or with actual clients in an aim to build relationships, scale up engagement or to even reach a sale. The aim of conversational marketing is to create exceptional memories for each user by providing them with interactive experience through chatbots, voice search, SMS or other digital channels.

    By using AI as a procession of natural language (NLP) to analyze the intention of customers and for providing personalized responses. Through this are companies able to offer more eye-catching interaction and to gain valuable experience. This enables them to provide custom experiences on a large scale, what can lead to the conversion increase. Brands react to what is demanded. If consumers have a question, 82 % of them require immediate response. Conversational marketing enables personal and immediate connection between customers and sellers. In contrast with traditional strategies is this form of marketing available on multiple channels, which enables brands to meet their clients requirements: on devices, on platforms and timetables, which meets customers expectations the most. 

    Actually, 41,3 % of consumers use conversational marketing tools. Some methods which companies use for realization of conversational marketing strategies include:

    • chatbots
    • personalized videos 
    • personalized emails
    • virtual assistants of purchase 

    One example of a company which profited from conversational marketing is TroughSport which has recorded 10 times more sales conversations after implementation. The number of potential customers who are qualified in marketing has increased for over more than  70 % and more than 64 % reserved meetings. 

    4. Chatbots

    One of the implementations of conversational marketing are chatbots. Chatbots use AI technology to provide automated messages familiar to people in real time. 

    Research shows that:

    • The biggest advantage of chatbots for companies is 24 hour service (64 %), immediate response to questions (55 %) and response to simple questions (55 %)
    • 8% % of consumers have positive experiences with chatbots
    • transactions of eshops through chatbots will reach until 2023, 112 bil USD.
    • Until 2024 will retail expenses reach through chatbots 142 bil USD worldwide – in comparison to only 2,8 bil in 2019

    Fact that chatbots are trends in online marketing is supported by the fact that most of the customers prefer interactions with chatbots, because they react 24/7, and they respond quickly. Additionally, they remember the whole shopping history. These virtual assistants offer outstanding services to customers throughout the fact that they meet the expectations of customers and they automatized repeated tasks – so they release you time on more important work. The more consumers are used to chatbots the more they will become important for the positive customer experience.

    5. Personalization

    If you want to stand out in 2023, you simply need to personalize your marketing. What means that you should personalize your content, products, email and so on. This short clip from the film Minority Report could be a bit extra, but it shows the world of current personalization. Youtube video:

    Biggest benefits of personalization:

  • There is a list of multiple companies that currently successfully use personalization. EasyJet has launched an email campaign based on data that is used for travel history of customers with airlines to create personalized stories. These stories suggest to customers where they should travel next. Approximately 12,5 mil personalized emails which had 25 % higher rate of a click than non-personalized emails. Company Cardbury made a personalized video campaign, which connects its users with the flavor of Dairy Milk based on data from their Facebook profile including age, interests and area.
  • Campaign has generated 65 % rate of click and 33,6 % rate of conversion, which means that personal approach is working properly.Starbucks uses gamifiied mobile app, which draws on data as a history of purchase and location. To make the personalization the most personal, Starbucks enables customers to adjust their drink and it supports their further use according to the system of remuneration – which increased their incomes on 2,56 bil USD.In case that you are willing to be successful in 2023 and further, you simply have to be trendy in online marketing to implement personalization into your marketing strategy and actively work on innovations.

    6. Short videos & video marketing

     According to HubSpot, short video (in general approximately 60 sec or less) has the highest return on investment from all marketing strategies of social media. It is clear that TikTok has rocketed into trends in online marketing all around the world. People love to share videos and they do it 2 times more than other forms of content. Among brands these are normally short videos that show some quick and simple process of how to reach your audience through social media. These could be TikTok, Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts and Facebook Reels. But besides posting on all these platforms simultaneously, do not forget to focus only on 2 – 3 channels, which are used by your audience.Video example:

    7. Voice search (VSEO) & Voice commerce

    Increased use of voice search forced companies to rethink their strategy of digital marketing. Considerate these statistics about voice search:

    • 40 % of all internet searches are based on voice. 
    • 58 % of consumers used voice search for finding information about local companies.
    • 40 % of adults use voice search on a daily basis.
    • Every month 1 billion voice searches are made. 

    Voice search optimization (VSEO) is becoming very important, because the use of digital assistants is increasing constantly. People are still more and more lazy by using voice search.

    VSEO includes optimization of content of your website so it could be easily understood by digital assistants like Siri and Alexa. This helps them to provide quicker and faster search results. In 2023 they will  be required to secure their content to be easily accessible through voice search. 

    Voice search already has a key role according to providing relevant information to the users of search. Google Assistant has 1 million actions and Alexa has more than 100 000 skills and functions that enables the voice assistant to specifically react to commands and questions of their users.

    What is predicted?

    Not only that more brands would produce voice content in the belief that they would be seen in the results of voice searches, but they would also consider creating ads. This means that Alexa will tell you the answer to your question with the “word of her sponsor”

  • Latest results (which are several years old, so we can expect that these numbers has increased) shows that 27 % of all mobile searches is through activated voice, which means that it comes from the file of “triggering words” as “how” “what”, or “the best” and “easy”.
  • Launch of voice assistants disturbed more than a world of searching. As it was shown, consumers not only use them for searching but they also frequently use them for online purchase. 
  • To understand the power of voice purchase, we have to think about the most significant aspect of the purchase process: comfortability. Consumers do not have to buy a 55 – inch TV through voice assistant. Most likely they will buy just a small cheap product.
  • According to Walker Sands are groceries in the highest place (21 %) on the list of what consumers bought through voice search. Additionally, there is consumer packaged goods (CPG) – (16 %). It is predicted that technological trends in online marketing as voice search would be even more popular in the future. 

8. Stories on social medias

The meaning of “story” is known by everyone. We are here to bring you several ways through which you are able to impress your audience.

  • use surveys in your Instagram Stories
  • add link to your stories 
  • you the benefits of geofilters on Snapchat.
  • add location
  • add mentions for other brands and your fans
  • try a live video
  • invite your followers to discover more by using call to action.

9. Geofencing

Even though the idea of marketing that is based on their location is not anything new, we are expect an increase in geolocated marketing, which is used to impress the users of phone devices.

Geofencing enables targeting in real time according to the location of the user. Target location is defined e.g. as the circuit of 1 km for the restaurant. When the user enters or leaves the restaurant, he will get a push notification, text message or another form of marketing communication. 

  • According to Reveal Mobile more than 50 % of asked retailers see restaurants, bars, health and beauty, entertainment, groceries and shops with pets as  5 best retail places for geofencing. 

10. SERP position 0, reccomended extract

  • Recommended extracts can gain you rather more clicks. Why? Because its placement on the peak of SERP gives the web pages higher visibility and authority. In the past few years we have been witnessing an increase of recommended extract, which is the result, which is seen in search engine ranking as a spot with short summary connected to demand of the user.About the page which gains recommended extract it is said that it has “zero position” because it is shown even before the first result.How to create a 0 position in your texts:
    • focus on specific query
    • use in your text explicit answers – use bullet points and numbering
    • create an analysis of related searches and use these keywords in your texts
      • How Google explain recommended extracts:  We display recommended extracts when our systems determine that this format would be helpful to people to discover easier what they are looking for. When it comes to page description or when they click on the link to read the page. They are useful mostly for those who use mobile devices or they use voice searching. Recommended extracts are necessary for SEO, because they enable you to show you web pages on the highest position SERP (position zero) which significantly improves visibility of domain.Average rate of clicks of recommended extracts is approximately 8,6 %. Besides that, these are necessary to improve the voice SEO.
        • make your web responsive
        • use mobile payments. Registration data is saved into the mobile device, which helps to shorten the waiting period. 
        • Use your space wisely. Add important features to the upper side of your home page and ensure that the search window is visible.
        • create a call for action and ensure that it will catch the attention of online shoppers. 
        • custom the online experience to your target audience to give them reason to visit your website again.
        • Remove all disturbing elements from process of purchase
        • provide access to different digital wallets and also secure everything on your web.Moz accomplished a study that has discovered that selected extracts affect voice search. Voice assistants as a Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa use chosen extracts to respond to the demand of users on voice search. These digital assistants choose the content from recommended extracts because these are easily readable. If you want to gain recommended extracts you do not need a web with high authority.
        • Domain with low DA/DR could be part of recommended extracts by creation of quality content and its optimization. Rating of your web pages according to recommended extracts with additional key words with long end increases your rate of clicks. Because these recommended extracts steal MP from position no.1.Increasing the number of SERP to zero position means that the search volume, intention and organic competition are not currently the only thing which sets the value of key words. You also have to analyze if the key word includes the recommended extract or not. Because Google involves in its evaluative algorithm more AI we can expect that still higher part of their results would be based on zero evaluation.

          11. First side cookies

          GDPR of the EU accepted laws to regulate the way how companies use personal data of their customers.Since then dozens of the largest companies in the world have been fined with exaggerated fees for breaking the law of GDPR of their users.For example:

          • Amazon — €746 millions
          • Google – €50 millions
          • H&M — €35 millions
          • TIM – €27.8 millions
          • British Airways – €22 millions

          Consequences of new laws about protection of privacy are rather more extensive than economical. Marketers currently face a situation which was their biggest nightmare : the end of third party cookies

          Cookies enable enterprises to collect all kinds of information for measurement, customization and development of their advertising campaigns. Because of a slow end of cookie files – companies can only rely on their personal collection of information.

          In an aim to create more effective digital and advertising infrastructure and to create a new file of open web standards which are focused on GDPR, Google has announced: that they terminate support of cookie files on third party browsers in their Chrome browser with their device Privacy Sandbox.

          Data collected by those small code pieces transmit a huge amount of information about users and their preferences back to the third parties, which normally transmit this information to different companies or individuals. Even though we are still not sure if this change will influence entrepreneurs in the future, there are some suggestions that you should apply earlier than later.Use an omnichannel marketing strategy to gain information about each step of contact and simultaneously you should respect the consent of the user.Use an invitation which is clearly visible, explicit and customized. Form or a checkbox of the first cookie file represents how you implicated an invitation to the loyalty program in a friendly way. 

          Use every attribute of data which you collect from your visitors, which means that you would get complete transparency during using.

          Let your visitors edit their preferences of collecting and using data through your preferences center.

          12. Mobile e- shop

          Mobile eshop is a concept which discusses transactions of online sale, that uses wireless electronic devices. Most commonly are those mobile phones, tablets or notebooks which collaborate with technologies that are able to process online purchase of goods.

          We live in a world of phones and those devices would play an even bigger role in a shopping cycle of consumers. Which is why we included this function between trends in online shopping and we pointed out its using option.

          To make mobile eshop more user friendly and profitable, Amazon has recently launched Amazon Pay. That is their custom service to process online purchases.

          Here are some tips, which will help you to successfully transform yourself to the new wave of mobile shopping:

          • make your web responsive
          • use mobile payments. Registrational data are saved into the device, what helps to shorted waiting periods
          • use your space wisely: Name important elements in the upper side of your homepage and secure that the search window is visible
          • make a call to action big enough to catch the attention on online buyers
          • define your target group and adjust the online experience to their requirenments to make them want to come back
          • delete all of the disturbing elements from the process of payment to make it more easier for buyers.
          • provide access to multiple of digital wallets and secure your website

            13. Podcasts

            People love to listen to podcasts globally. One source states that 80 % of people would listen to each episode of a podcast. Google currently shows their podcast episodes directly in their SERPBesides that, people are used to more frequent interaction with devices with voice support. Podcasters are able to increase their brand awareness and they can involve their audience through voice search SEO tactics including:

            • choose a keyword for each podcast episode
            • create a specific page for each episode
            • create a blog post with approximately 300 words for each episode

            However podcasts could be difficult for companies because their listeners could not be invited to be active such as log in to subscribe email bulletin. 

            In the upcoming years would marketers use a more user friendly approach which would include:

            • use of one call for action per episode
            • summary of key words from episode
            • simplification of podcast listening – which means  that it won’t require registration, downloading or other processes when someone will listen the episode

            Trends in online marketing – conclusion 

            For everyone, digital marketing is an irreplaceable component of work. You have to always be one step ahead and you have to be willing to accept new technologies and tools. This will have you step ahead before competition. Which of these trends have the biggest potential according to your point of view? Would you use some of them in your marketing strategy? In case you need help with implementation of technological solutions in digital marketing and IT, do not hesitate to contact us.  

Are you planning to start digitizing your company? We will advise you!
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Ján Májek

Ján Májek

Founder of UPVISION Digital agency


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